How many people love LisaBoo ;)

Monday, January 10, 2011

How, erm...lovely?

So it's a snow day (snow is ridiculously rare down here in Georgia) and I'm stuck at home. I can't go play in it because I'm as sick as a dog. I need to get out and get some supplies I need for class (folders, notebooks, index cards, a NOVEL, etc.) but the road is covered in black ice and you would have to be insane to get out on it. So I'm really in an effed up situation here. But I'm hoping school get cancelled again tomorrow so the week can fly by again. And I'm hoping mi papa returns home safely. He had to go to work early this working when the ice was still falling. I heard ambulance sirens this morning and I literally felt a chill in my heart. Mi mama can't entertain me much because she was banged up REALLY bad in a car accident this past Thursday and she's suffering from bruised ribs, a swollen liver, and tremendous amounts of pain and soreness. Interesting little story, eh?

-*sighs* :(


  1. Aw Lisa! I'm so sorry for your'e mother! I hope she gets better :( Get well soon dear :)

    Other than that, everyone else gets snow but me D:

  2. Gracias! :)
    it's actually snowed here during winter for the past 3 years :P

  3. Oh man, that doesn't sound well (about your mother!) Hope you, your mom, and your dad are alright!

    I'm also sitting here, today, on a somewhat snow day... On the Eastern Shore of Maryland, i've noticed over the years that a 1/4 inch of snow = no school :P That was the situation today...

    But I feel ya, snow is not typical here either, which saddens me :( We came home early yesterday because it was raining... Wow.
